Live Blood Cell Analysis has been used as a resourceful tool since the early 1900s. It is a reliable source used to understand the body at a cellular level.
It has often been said that Live Blood Cell Analysis is a way to look at the health of a person’s entire body. While we all know that our blood is our “river of life,” many do not fully understand the true importance. Not only does our blood transport oxygen and nutrients to our cells, but it also removes cellular waste.
Considered alternative medicine, a Live Blood Cell Analysis is completed by using a small drop of blood from your fingertip and is observed for approximately 50 minutes under a powerful microscope. The microscope used is connected to a camera that reflects the images onto a screen so that the client is able to view the analyzation process. This also means that the breakdown of your blood cells and your cell results are given immediately. We are able to look at the condition and the quality of your blood and determine significant influences on your present and future health path.
Your blood plays an important role in your overall health and is the highway for many substances in your body to travel to multiple areas of your body. Imagine circulating blood through your body that is full of disease or lacking in nutrients. Your blood helps to maintain homeostasis within your body. It will help your body adapt to different conditions, such as stressful situations, dietary changes, injury and more. Nutrient lacking blood will not supply your organs with what is needed to remain healthy. Stress and disease also often show in the blood long before anything manifests in the body.
The valuable results attained with one drop of blood from your finger are endless.
This simple, quick, and accurate blood cell analysis is best used to help determine your optimal diet and if any supplementation is needed. Our nutrition consultation is used in conjunction with our Live Blood Cell Analysis, as well as some of our other programs and tools, to help you in attaining your health goals. It has been shown that client compliance is improved significantly because of the understanding that comes in conjunction with the Live Blood Cell Analysis.
Ultimately, your health is your responsibility, however, through Live Blood Cell Analysis we can help you change your health for the better. We give you the inside view of what your body needs most! Contact us today for your analysis, interpretation and nutritional consultation.
Your session will be approximately 60-90 minutes in time. It will begin with an exchange regarding your current health state, your concerns, and your symptoms. We will discuss your health history to better understand the potential details of how you came to be in your current health state. The assessment details will be tracked using our ‘Whole Life’ Coaching philosophy (Movement, Nutrition, Hydration, and Spirituality) to also better understand other areas of your life that may be influencing your physical state.
We will take one drop of blood from your finger and view it under a high powered microscope. You will see, in real-time, exactly what I see in this session. This one drop of blood shares endless details about the current condition of the body. We will use this information, over the next hour to understand and potentially correlate the underlying cause of your symptoms. And more importantly, identify an action plan to fit your lifestyle and health goals.
The specific details understood from the blood sample will determine our priority of focus in your health. Putting together the first steps, for you to follow, will be our next call to action. We will discuss dietary choices, remedies, supplementation and lifestyle adjustments to attain the goals you are seeking. You will leave the session with a clear understanding of your next steps and a plan of action tailored specifically to you to achieve optimal health.
I will email you several days after the session some follow up supportive information for your use. I will again at this time encourage you to continue communication with me regarding any questions, challenges, and observations. These communications are all-inclusive to your session. I have come to learn that this extra time, outside of the consultation, is very valuable. It provides you with the needed support as you embark on your health journey.
Cost $ 265.00
And Much More!
Dry Blood Analysis is a ancient method of understanding what is evolving in your body on a cellular level. This test involves taking eight to ten spots of blood on a slide, allowing them to dry, and then observing the patterns that form under the microscope. The patterns that form provide us with insights into the imbalances present in the organs and systems of the body.
The dry blood spot is considered to be a hologram of the human body, a little like the eye in iridology, i.e. the different rings in the sample represent a different part of the body. Therefore, wherever the abnormality appears in the bloodspot tells us approximately where the problem is occurring in the body. Another important aspect of this test is that each spot represents a time frame; the first and largest spot of blood taken reflects the current day, the latter spots provide a reflection of the patient's health, many months or even years ago, and will highlight the deeper seated or chronic issues underlying the current symptomology. How this historical view works is little understood; however, it has been the observations of many researchers that as a person heals, it is the first and largest blood spot on the slide that corrects itself towards the healthy sample first, followed by the second and then the third, etc., etc., over a period of months, as the patient's health problems reverse.
These observations are cross-referenced with existing medical conditions or signs and symptoms. For example, if one sees evidence of irritation in the bowel, the patient will report symptoms of irritable bowel such as bloating, gas and alternating diarrhea and constipation. The apparent symptoms support and confirm the observations made in the blood, and lead to more credible identification of the problem and thus more successful treatment protocols.
The uniqueness of this process is that you, the client, can be any where in the world and have this done. We do not have to review the bloodspots 'live' in real time. The blood can be captured on the microscope slide, set to dry and mailed to the microscopist for review. No need to drive any where.
A simple phone call today to request your blood collection kit is all it takes to be on the road to health. We will mail the kit to you within 24 hours. We will also direct you to the Resource page to complete a New Client Intake form. These documents will be required for the session of the kit findings.
You will receive your kit with direction on how to capture your sample and then mail it back. We will schedule your consult via phone, skype or facetime to review the findings. ......
Once you receive the blood kit, follow the simple yet detailed directions to capture the sample. You will then mail back the kit in the enclosed addressed envelope. When the is sample is received, we will call you and set a session time to review the sample findings. The microscopist will evaluate your blood sample for generally 60 minutes or so and create a report of the findings.
The session can be facilitated by a phone call or virtually via internet means like Zoom, GoogleMeets or Facetime.
Call #720-402-8703 or email requesting a blood kit be mailed to you. We will collect your payment and begin you health journey.
One Blood Kit Cost $265.00
Discount offered on multiple kits purchased.
The session for reviewing your health information from the Dry Blood Cell Analysis will last approximately 60 minutes. We will prioritize our subject discussion to the top 3 to 5 items observed in the sample. The items will be the concerns that are most important to focus on for overall health and potentially related to your symptoms. A plan of remedying these items will be presented by means of dietary choices, supplementation, herbs, essential oils, activities and any other items appropriately suited to your lifestyle. This session is meant to be the first step toward a healthier you.
You are also entitled to email support while putting these steps into place. It is common to encounter questions, thoughts and/or observations as you start this new way of healing. The offered guidance has been known to support the process of attaining your health goals.
It is suggested that you continue your health journey with a 30 day follow up Nutritional Consult, choosing a Coaching Program or becoming a member of the Wellness Now Club.
This video shares with you how to collect your sample for review in a Nutritional Dry Blood Analysis. It takes just a few minutes. Take your time and observe each detail as you collect your sample for the best results. Questions, please call 720-402-8703.