Kundalini Yoga
...is a blend of Bhakti yoga (the yogic practice of devotion and chanting), Raja yoga (the practice of mediation/mental and physical control) and Shakti yoga, (for the expression of power and energy).
Tuesday, Wed & Thursday mornings. ALL classes are recorded & archived to enjoy on your schedule.
A way to take your health to the next level by exploring inside your body, deep dive at a cellular level.
Let's chat! This 15 minute call allows us to visit. We will discuss your health concerns, a potential plan to move you into harmony and most importantly, your commitment level.
This is a shortened version of our Nutritional Live Blood Cell Analysis Session. This session takes approximately 20-30 minutes.
Only offered on select days of the month.
It is customary to have your conventional doctor run yearly blood work. Many times the meaning of these results is not in a language understood by all. This session is meant to relay the blood work results in a language anyone can understand and use to their health benefit. Additionally, you will receive a detailed nutrition consultation and a plan to support your next steps with the lab work information.
Find out what your blood-type is (A / B / AB /O). We will teach you the best basic diet plan for your blood type and additional pointers on your current health concerns. This session takes about 60 minutes.
A way to take your health to the next level by exploring inside your body, deep dive at a cellular level.
Let's chat! This 15 minute call allows us to visit. We will discuss your health concerns, a potential plan to move you into harmony and most importantly, your commitment level.
We will spend some time together discovering your health history, current health challenges, and identifying the most efficient health action steps to put into motion.
This session is meant to be an initial consultation. The session will take place in person or virtually and last about 90 minutes.
*You will need to complete a questionnaire in preparation for the session that can be found on the 'Resources' page.
We will take about 60 minutes to review your current health concerns, your current actions for approaching your health goals, discuss any challenges you are experiencing and set an action plan for your next steps.
This session can be done in person or virtually, as an established client.
This session is not meant to be an initial consultation.
Committing to the long term goal.
A healthy body requires more than good food. When evaluating this point, it is best to be open to additional factors. In this one on one coach setting, we will uncover many mysteries and implement multiple options to allow you to be 'whole' and live a healthy life of fulfillment and homeostasis. I will support you in this process for the time frame that best fits your ultimate goals.
*Bundle and save, six sessions, to be held in 3 consecutive months and attain your health goals!
~$239 per month
Accomplishing the health goals of the one-on-one coaching fits here too! However, the setting is unique in that there are others who are walking the same or similar health journey as yourself. Together, this group atmosphere will support the whole of all the participants toward the ultimate health goals.
*Group meets 2x a month with a cost of $199 a month.
**Next group beginning soon...date to be announced.
A bundled service plan:
Step 1- A Nutritional Live (or Dry) Blood Analysis will be done to start your health journey.
Step 2, 3, 4-Follow-Up Holistic Health Consultations to assess your goals and how you have accomplished them . A set of detailed continued steps will be laid out for you to continue your health journey to ensure longevity
Step 5-A Live Blood Glimpse to see what you have accomplished in the above steps & what your body needs next.
14 Hol.Health Sessions
LBA Glimpse
(Value $2379)
Auricular therapy addresses health challenges through the meridians in the body. Schedule a treatment to see the effects it can have on headaches, pain, weight loss, detoxing, mood, and much more.
When you experience one session of auricular therapy, you quickly realize why a program is the key to supporting your health journey. A series of 10 sessions, over 10 weeks, are scheduled to accomplish multiple health goals for the body. We see this process to be a great compliment to a nutrition program as well.